Sep 4,2024

AMA with Sasha 30/8/24

Another week, another AMA session with the Waves’ founder Sasha Ivanov. This week, Sasha has prepared some updates on the ecosystem progress, answered lots of questions and had a live dialogue with the community members. This is a short recap, the full recording of the weekly AMA from 30/8/24 can be found here. Watch it to learn this week’s magic word for the Zealy quest!

//Recap Start//

Key Points:

  • As you can tell, our KOL campaign is gaining momentum and our community is actively recruiting new users. However, this is far from its final stage and we will continue to work on attracting new users.
  • The Units Network development is already being finalized. The gateway functionality is fully implemented on TestNet, the only thing left is to finalize the DAO, which we intend to complete next week. 
  • As for DAO, its development will not take long, because the main ideas on its mechanics can be borrowed from Power DAO. So everything is on schedule and I think that in about 3 weeks we will be ready for release. Negotiations about it are going on with many LunchPads and CEx's. 
  • We also announced a small event in Seoul, where we will distribute $10K in L2MP tokens between all attendants.


Q & A

Q: How will the Units DAO work? 

Sasha: First of all, Units DAO will run on L0 blockchain - Waves - and its mechanics will be similar to Power DAO. That is, users will be able to stake funds in the DAO, and will split part of the income of its treasury according to their share.

Q: Will the slashing mechanics be implemented there?
Sasha: New projects that wish to launch their side chain will be required to stake UNIT0 tokens in the DAO and set a certain KPI for their project's profitability. If this KPI is not met, the UNIT0 tokens they have staked will be subject to slashing.

Q: Should we expect detailed tokenomics of Units Network and the UNIT0 token itself in the near future?

Sasha: Yes, there won't be anything super new in it, but we will be publishing it very soon.

Q: Regarding NSBT, Is there any plan for its development?

Sasha: Sure, and I think it's been outlined fairly recently. It's now directly linked to WIND, the index token of a number of tokens in the ecosystem. And NSBT itself is now getting fees, provided you are staking it through the Neutrino DAO.

Q: Is there any plan regarding Feature 23? So far the community is not looking at it very positively.

Sasha: I've already talked about it a couple of times, but I'll say it again. I think the sensible plan would be to implement it after Units Network is launched, as it gives us the potential to attract new people and close the remaining debts, from a position of strength. However, this will require a massive marketing push, so we will need to build a strong community of KOL managers to help us with this.

Q: What about the PETE rebirth? There was supposed to be some kind of update coming out this week.

Sasha: Yes, it's been delayed a bit. But it should be implemented this weekend or next week. Right now we are working on the updated website interface.

Q: When will the UNIT0 token launch and when will it appear on WX?

Sasha: We are still aiming for September. That's when it will appear on both WX and a number of centralized exchanges.

Q: And how will the first mined UNIT0 tokens be claimed?

Sasha: You will be able to claim them daily, after which they will go to the Units DAO staking, where you will be able to earn income from the Units Network projects.

Q: What share of UNIT0 supply will be given to L2MP miners?

Sasha: The exact number has not been determined yet, but I think we will see a finalized tokenomics in the near future.

//Recap End//


Tune in every Friday, 10:00 a.m. EST to learn the latest news and updates on the Waves ecosystem first-hand, directly from the Waves mastermind, Sasha!