AMA with Sasha 9/2/24
Another week, another AMA session with the Waves’ founder Sasha Ivanov. This week, Sasha has prepared some updates on the ecosystem progress, answered lots of questions and had a live dialogue with the community members. This is a short recap, the full recording of the weekly AMA from 9/2/24 can be found here.
//Recap Start//
Key Points:
- Waves 1.5 release has finally been fixed. The issues were only detected with the release on MainNet. The problem has already been fixed and the 1.5.3 release is live. All miners can install it and vote to activate this release.
- The WX.Network team is already testing a synthetic token marketplace. And most likely, next week there will be some kind of release as well as an airdrop of synthetic assets!
- Units.Network is also actively developing. This project is preparing an active campaign, during which users will be able to stake liquidity to receive L2MP tokens. However, retrodrop is only a part of this campaign, and other aspects of it are still being actively prepared.
Q & A
Q: The Neutrino treasury is gradually being depleted due to the swap of XTN for tokens in it. Are there plans to replenish it, or will the XTN price be maintained by other methods?
Sasha: Eventually the treasury will indeed get empty, but as you said, this is not the only method to maintain the price. XTN buyback is also sustained by a share of miner rewards, not to mention that the launch of Units.Network can also affect its price.
Q: What to expect this week regarding the Units.Network campaign, and what will happen next week?
Sasha: A sneak peek at the retrodrop page for Units.Network should be expected this week, and its release is planned for next week, along with the launch of the marketing campaign.
Q: What difficulties did you encounter in preparing the retrodrop and the marketing campaign?
Sasha: Overall I would highlight the visual aspect, it's quite difficult to make an attractive looking website. Midjourney contributes a lot to the visualization, however the marketing agency we are partnered with does most of the work.
Q: What would the retrodrop look like? As I recall you were talking about staking?
Sasha: Yes, I think I should explain a little bit about what it will look like. Initially, you will be able to provide liquidity for the launch by staking ETH and a number of stablecoins on the Ethereum network. Those who provide this liquidity will receive L2MP tokens. But they will be locked until Units.Network launches. Over time, other tokens will be added to the staking.
Q: The V1 markets smart contract at Vires.Finance has lost a large share of its liquidity in the last month. I don't understand how this can be explained.
Sasha: Quite simple! Recently, it became possible to make deposits on these markets in -WXG tokens, then convert these deposits into the XTN vesting at the current market rate, and thus withdraw funds. Users took advantage of it, and liquidity in the form of XTN tokens moved from one smart contract to the vesting smart contract, from which users began to gradually withdraw it.
//Recap End//
Tune in every Friday, 10:00 a.m. EST to learn the latest news and updates on the Waves ecosystem first-hand, directly from the Waves mastermind, Sasha!