Ecosystem Projects
Waves Tech
Sep 5,2023

Waves Lands: A New Era of GameFi on the Waves Blockchain

Welcome to Waves Family. We are pleased to introduce Waves Lands, a unique browser-based game built on the Waves blockchain. The project combines the elements of NFT and DeFi, creating an exciting game world full of economic mechanics and opportunities for players.

What’s in the Game

Waves Lands is a role-playing game that provides players with a unique experience of managing their own production company in a virtual world. The main game characters are everyone's favorite NFT ducks, and in the future, they will be joined by turtles. The game is based on the principles of an economic simulator, offering players to immerse themselves in the life of an entrepreneur.

Your company's main source of profit is resource mining. In order to do this, you must own NFT land. Once you have land, you can mine resources, which then can be processed into materials and used to make goods for trading. In addition, you can profit by looting your neighbors or participating in arbitrage. Read more about profitability here.

The game features competition between companies. Players will have to defend their lands, battle with neighbors and fight for new resources. To win, players can band together to form cartels to increase influence and revenue for the company. Cooperation and collaboration become key elements of success in the world of Waves Lands.



Waves Lands Tokenomics

WLGOLD is an index game token created on the Waves blockchain. This token has unique properties aimed at protecting against excessive market volatility. The index price of the token is calculated based on the assets of the game's investment fund and it forms a stable basis for the value of the token. The team only spends resources that are formed from the game's investment fund profits and game mechanics, and does not spend investors' money. At the same time, the sale of tokens by the team for operational needs does not affect the price of the token in any way.

The investment fund is formed by the sale of game lands, in-game economy and arbitrage. The investment fund is non-expendable. Thus, the lands will never drop in value, the liquidity of the NFT is constant and independent of the market. Read more on the website

Initial issue: 1 million WLGOLD tokens. 

Game’s Economy

In addition to the WLGOLD index token, USDT can also be used in the game. It serves as the main token for in-game calculations. The value of NFTs is fixed in USDT, and the value of the index token grows only through its collateral. Thus we avoid a sharp increase in the entry threshold for new players and stagnation with the subsequent decline of the project.

Principles of economy:

- Proceeds from the sale of NFTs (lands) and a portion of in-game profits go to the game's investment fund and DeFi investment tools.

- The game's economy is based on self-sustainability, providing added value at every stage of production and trade.

- Game development and marketing costs are financed by the profits of the investment fund.

- Game mechanics are based on 5 standard economic processes and form sources of profit for players and the project.

How to start playing 

Joining the world of Waves Lands is simple: 

  1. Create a wallet on the Waves blockchain if you don't already have one. You can find instructions here.
  2. Go to the official website: 
  3. Click the "Connect Wallet" button in the upper right corner.
  4. If you see the balance and id of your wallet at the top right - congratulations you have successfully connected to the game.

If you already have a duck in Waves Ducks, you can connect your character. This will allow you to travel through Waves Lands locations, trade and develop your character. 

  1. From the menu, select "Company".
  2. Select "Ducks" in the menu.
  3. You will see a list of ducks that are in your wallet and free to be staked in WavesLands, that is, unstaked in the WavesDucks game (not on the perch, not participating in Duck Wars or Duck Hunt).
  4. Select the desired duck and click on its name.
  5. You will see the duck page.
  6. Click on the "Stake" button.
  7. Sign the transaction in the pop-up window.
  8. On a successful transaction, the button should change to "Unstake" and the duck status should be: "Staked".


We have lots of plans for the game development, as well as lucrative surprises for players, you won't get bored! Explore the world of the game, interact with other players, participate in arbitration and expand your abilities.